Designed by Jeannie Phillips
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Finally a new card... I saw a scarecrow like this on a lady's shirt at the hospital and knew I had to try my hand at one... so here it is... My mom is home... I have had to quit work to take care of her... I go daily and make sure she has 3 meals within her reach and keep her house clean... do the laundry... its working out pretty good so far!!... say prayers that this works for the both of us!... thank you for all your prayers during this very difficult time in my life... say a prayer for my mom... she did miss her Mother's funeral and that has to be hard.. Hugs to everybody!
I made these with basic shapes then welded them together.
Long rectangle that makes both legs cut @ w 0.72 x h 3.99.
Circles that make his bottom in the center of the pants both cut @ w 0.68 x 0.63.
Square that makes the top of the pants cut @ w 1.o5 x h 0.98.
As you can see on the mat below I cut these twice and pop-dotted the top pair.
Body and Head
I made this with basic shapes.
Body Circle cut @ w 1.25 x h 1.16.
Head Circle cut @ w 0.94 x h 0.88.
Shoulder Circles cut @ w 0.45 x h 0.42.
Neck rectangle cut @ w 0.33 x h 0.88.
Arm rectangles cut @ w 0.36 x h 1.00
Paper Doll Dress Up
Hats cut @ 1.62 x h 2.50.
I cut 2 in brown 1 in black for the band on the hat...I only needed one of the brown hats after all.
Shirt cut @ 2.25 x h 4.70.
I cut 2 of these pop-dotted the top shirt.
Pumpkin cut @ w 2.09 x h 3.49.
I cut 2 in green and 2 in orange.
I cut the vines and the stem from the orange pumpkins and glued them to the green.. I needed two one for the inside of the card.
Animal Kingdom
Chicken cut @ w 1.02 x h 1.66.
I cut 2 in brown and one in red... these I cut apart and layered the colors.
Doodling with a brown Sharpie and lots of brown ink.