Thank Your For Stopping By

Thank you so much for stopping by to visit my blog... it is changing as I change and learn more things... I hope after Christmas to get an opportunity to make some more CARDS. I am loving Loom Knitting now... and have lots to do before Christmas....I don't mind sharing how I do things and if you have questions you can E-MAIL me @ and I will be happy to answer any questions that I have.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Cafe Anniversary ~ How to Video Part 2

Part 1 video in previous post or click HERE

Please share your recreation of this card here!!... I would love to see it and it links back to your blog or picture source! How fun is that!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for all the detailed instructions/videos - you are so sweet to share this information. Thanks for explaining how to use the cri-kits and shadow cuts too. Happy Anniversary to your daughter and son-in-law!

Blessings, Julie

Grammy GG said...

The details on this video about how you got your layers were wonderful. I went back and looked carefully at the Gypsy screen shots and found them so helpful too. You are a clear teacher--thank you so much for sharing. I hope your kids have many blessed years together.

Sharon said...

It looks like you could just walk up to the door and enter the cafe! The details are awesome!! Happy Anniversary to Madison and Cory!! Have a blessed, safe and happy 4th!! :)

Texas Cricut Gal said...

Another winner! What an awesome card. Would really love to try this, but do not have the cri-kits. So hope I can win. Thanks again for sharing all of your blessings.

Anonymous said...

I love your instructions, they are so detailed and you present in such a way that "we" can understand them. I don't have the pens, although I would love to, but maybe I could try something similar with the markers. Thanks to you I finally understand about the layers on the gypsy.

MsJay said...

Wow! That is some card, it looks complicated. Thanks for the visuals.

nancy said...

Thank You so much for sharring all this information on how to use these wonderful pens. Your instructions are so easy to follow, and make sence even to a dumby like me. reat detail on how to make this card----TFS---Nancy

Jeri said...

I am so impressed with this card. You are such a creative genius. All your information on how to do the different layers was just fascinating. Now I feel like I can be a pro too.

S.Bayles said...

These video's are so great. I think I could probably try this now. If I can just find the time. Good luck to everyone in the contest.
The card is in my favorite black & white.

Carol<>< said...

oh my goodness, one year already!!!

I should not be so surprised, It has been 8 for my baby girl and soon to have their first child.
lovely card, they will love it.
have a great evening,

mfc.melissamade2 said...

Wow, thanks Jeannie for a great explanation on how to cut on the Gypsy after using the pens! Also, the little paper is a great tip - I know for sure I would not have done that and would have written all over my card!! Beautiful, and thanks for the chance to win these - I've had my eye on them for a long time!!!
Melissa said...

Thank you for such detail information!!! You went step by step!!!
scrapabookaholic at hotmail dot com

Lezlye said...

Jeannie, Thanks for all the tips regarding the layers with tht gypsy. I haven't played too much with that feature yet. I adore the card, and love the idea of drawing some aspects of cards! Thanks for sharing.

Kate said...

Jeannie - I made a card using your technique!! I have tried three times to link it, but the link is not working. Perhaps because there are two links on the same posting? (I did try both.) Anyway, I am commenting here again as I want to be sure you know that all your instructions fell on eager ears!! My card is here: I'll try and link again later.
Thank you so much for sharing this fantastic idea!!

Anonymous said...

Jeannie, Thanks for sharing all of your "creativeness" with us not so creative people. I get so much inspiration from you!!! This card is absolutely beautiful. I have wanted to try the markers for some time but not sure how to. I feel you put this in simple instructions just for me!!!!

Thank You again


Kate said...

Success!! Thank you so much for fixing that. I was just so excited to share my creation with you and to thank you for sharing your wonderful idea with me!!

Maureen R said...

Thank you so much for posting your videos. I just got my gypsy and you make it easy to follow your instructions. Drawing instead of cutting adds another dimension to card making that I would love to try.

Alice said...

Happy Anniversary to Madison and Cory
wishing them all the happiness for many more anniversaries to come

Great job Jeannie! I have often wondered about the Cri-kits and now you have shown how easily can be used =)


Laura said...

Thanks for a wonderful video. It was great it understand how do all the layers. The Cri-kits looks great on the card.

Happy Anniversary to your daughter and and son-in-law! Blessing to them in the years ahead.

Jeannie- your cards are always wonderful!!!

Colleen said...


Thank you sooooo much for the detailed explanation of how to create the different layers for this card. I especially appreciated the way you explained how clicking the "eye" would toggle the different layers off and on. These cri-kits look to be a great new tool to use with the Cricut!!!

Thank you for sharing your talents!

Happy First Anniversary to your daughter and son-in-law!

Colleen (

Amanda said...

I love the simply black and white look of this card.. The finish product truly does POP!! Thanks for the tip on placing a spare piece of paper under the Cri-Kits.. What an awesome giveaway...

Thanks So Much!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the 2 part video. Your explanation and demonstration is so simple to follow I can't wait to try out the pens. I'm going to wait to see if I win and if not they will be in my budget for my next craft purchase. My email is
Thanks and God Bless !!

Denise said...

Wow! That's absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for sharing all the great techniques. I use my layers on my Gypsy, but you've taken it to a whole new level! I'm excited to try out the Cri-kits using the layers feature!! Yhanks again!!


Anonymous said...

Really brautiful card. Thanks for sharing all the great info--i'm heading over to see about the pens.all those layer are kinda scarey!!but thanks to you i'll give it a try!!

Anonymous said...

Loved your video using the Cri-Kuts pens. Although I don't have a Gypsy I can still apply the instructions to my CDS and use the pens! Thanks for sharing your great cards and knowledge on your videos:)


Anonymous said...

I love your cards. I enjoy your videos and cannot wait to try to make my own version of the cafe. I look forward to your cards.

Lori EDU255 said...

Thanks for all the tips with the markers. Placing the piece of paper under the pen is a great idea.

Denine said...

Your cards are so beautiful. The detail just 'awwwwwws' me.
Thank you for the video on the Cri-Kuts pens. Those look amazing. I have been wanting them for a while, but have not broke down to purchase yet. :)
Thanks again for the video, you a great inspiration.

Carrie K said...

Wow! This card is so neat! I would love to try those pens. Thank you so much for the inspiration!
carriedan1 at live dot com

Anonymous said...

Wow - I jsut love your blog - you have inspired me sooo much - i have used the cricut markers but would loveto try the gel cri-kits - the gyspy is so incedible - i love playing around with it!!! so happy you started to do videos!!!


Amanda T said...

This card is stunning. I love your videos, and how you do a screen shot of how your mat is set up. That is so helpful to me and I always look forward to what you are going to make next! Thanks for the tip on putting a piece of paper between your mat and blade while switching to your pens. You are a wonderful teacher, and I'm off to check out the pens! Thank you Jeannie. You're amazing!!

Unknown said...

This was amazing!! I have watched closely both videos now and have learned so much. I love your tip on putting scrap paper under the pen when adding and removing. That is something I probably wouldn't have thought of until after I ruined my cutting lol. That was a great tip!!!! I also love the mat shots of how you lay out and to choose Add to design. I hope to be the lucky one so I can give these a try. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

WOW! First off beautiful card! Simple, but beautiful! this is the first time I've seen your videos - love ur accent! Can't wait to start exploring with these pens! Pretty much like the markers, right? Also, thanks for explaining the layers feature on the gypsy :)
The shots of the gyspy really help. TFS
Erika @

Vicki said...

Hey Jeannie, both of these videos are so great. You do such a great job explaining everything. I am loving those pens. everything you have done with them have been great. Thanks again for making these videos and explaining everything. it really helps.

Unknown said...

Hey Jeannie,
Thanks so much for showing the Cri-Kit pens.. Love your Cafe. I have been wanting these pens but just can't let go of any extra money right now, DH is out of work, But anyhow I thank you for the chance to win these wonderful pens..

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the instructions on how to do this card.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed watching your videos on the cri-kits pens. I kept seeing them on your new cards and didn't know what they were. They really look neat. I was sorry that I was too late to win them. I have design studio, I wonder if they would work the same with it. Thanks again for the videos, very helpful.

Carol email:

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