Thank Your For Stopping By

Thank you so much for stopping by to visit my blog... it is changing as I change and learn more things... I hope after Christmas to get an opportunity to make some more CARDS. I am loving Loom Knitting now... and have lots to do before Christmas....I don't mind sharing how I do things and if you have questions you can E-MAIL me @ and I will be happy to answer any questions that I have.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Sock That Fits!!!

Now to make its mate!!... I took good notes!!.... this is so comfortable!!... I must have a sock loom!!... I have to decide if I want  a round one from DaLooms... or if I want a square one from Hobby Lobby... I am thinking that the round would would be eaiser to work with... but the width of the square one is adjustable... what are your thougths??



Sharon said...

Since I don't have or know much about the Knifty Knitter, I can't help you with the decision about round or square. But I can tell you that I think it is awesome that you can make socks along with your hats and scarfs! Now everyone in your family and all your friends
will be warm from head to toes!!!

mfc.melissamade2 said...

OH AWESOME!! Jeannie - great sock - love the stitching (knitting) on this - looks nice tight!!! Beautiful!

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