
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Climbing Rose

Handmade by
Jeannie Phillips ~ Southside, AL
I am so excited at how this turned out... I was searching Etsy last night and found this amazing yarn art....this took my breath away... I analyzed it to see if I could make something like it.. then checked my yarn stash.. had just enough..... this is what I ended up with.. pretty close... I am going to ware it tomorrow for Easter.  The flower needed something when I finished... I remembered that I had these pearls ...they added the perfect touch....I am going to learn more about crocheting..have 3 books comming!!  Thank you so much for looking!! ~Hugs Jeannie

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tri Loom Scarf on my 3ft loom.

Hand Woven Scarf by
Jeannie Phillips ~ Southside, AL
I kept myself busy today making this new scarf.  Robby (dear husband) added a removeable part to my 6 ft loom so that I could make scarves and shawls...I love, love my tri loom!!... love it!!  I wove the scarf then went back and added a solid blue yarn for an added touch in the design.  This may be the favorite thing I have made... I hope I keep learning and learning and learning!!  Tomorrow I am going to spin!  Thanks for looking! Hugs, Jeannie

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Rectangle Loom Scarf

First I wanted to thank everybody for there sweet words...I had so many...I miss my mom so much.... your sweet words meant so much to me...and they helped me so much get through the past days... Hugs and Love to you all!!

Hand Woven Scarf by
Jeannie Phillips ~Southside, AL
Hand Built Rectangle Loom by
Robby Phillips ~ Southside, Al
My sweet husband Robby built me this new loom to keep me busy...he started it before my mother died... but he got right to work on it the day after the funeral so I would have something to keep me busy... he also added to my tri-loom to make it two sizes... my next project is on the 3 foot part of my tri loom to make a kerchief... I can't wait to try it.  I have several pictures here of my project in progress.  This one is a bit more challenging!!... I have a few mistakes...but I am learning... and loving the process.  Thank you so much for looking!  Hugs, Jeannie

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lost My Mom

I lost my mom yesterday.  She was 72. Please keep us in you prayers the next few days and weeks.  Thank you so much.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Felted Easter Basket

Handmade Design by
Jeannie Phillips ~ Southside, Al
This is a felted Easter Basket... I made it while sitting at the hospital with Mom...You knit your item out of wool...the wash it in hot water and shrink pulls all the stitches together really tight... this shrunk more vertically than it is a bit taller than I wanted...but I am learning!! I made it on my largest round Knifty Knitter... I have now ordered a larger round loom.... I want to make more purses....but I think I am going to have to go up one more size... I love new looms!!  Hugs, Jeannie


Friday, April 8, 2011

So, So, So Excited!..My First Tri Loom Shawl!!...

Handmade Design by
Jeannie Phillips ~ Southside, AL
I am so excited about this finished is made with my own hand spun yarn!! when I started this project I started with a pound of dyed wool...and I finished up with this!... is that amazing or what!!??!!  Please disregard my steroid face!!... I love too that since Robby (dear husband) made my loom there will be a bit of him in ever shawl I weave... how cool is that!!  This wonderful sweet lady I met on Etsy, Kathy who so patiently answered so many of my questions.. who do beautiful weaving ... taught me that you can ware these rolled up like a scarf..and when you need it to keep your shoulders ware you can unroll it to put around your I am showing it both ways... Thank you so much for looking!!  Hugs~ Jeannie

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Progress on my Tri Loom Shawl

Hand woven with my own hand spun yarn.
Design by Jeannie Phillips ~ Southside, AL
This is the progress on my first Tri Loom Shawl...had to share because after I add about 50 more strands of frindge I will be out of yarn...and I need a total of 294 pieces of fringe...  I am going to have to spin more yarn to finish up!...That is about a 12 hour process...then drying time for the yarn.... so it will be a few days before I get to finish.  I love the process of making is so relaxing and yet you feel so productive...I am thinking the total physical hours it takes me to do this is going to be about 35 to 40 hours counting spinning the wool into yarn...and the weaving and the fringe. But worth every minute.  My next one is going to be a red and green plaid! I will have plenty of this green yarn left over after my second spin...and I have some beautiful red roving to spin!...I can't wait.  Thanks for looking!  ~Hugs, Jeannie

Monday, April 4, 2011

My New Loom... A Tri Loom!! So excited!

Hanadmade Tri-Loom Built by
Robby Phillips ~ Southside, Al
Hand Woven Shawl from Hand Spun Wool
by Jeannie Phillips ~ Southside, AL
I am so excited about this loom... weaving looms are perfect for showing off beautiful hand spun yarn... I discovered these researching looms and feel in love with them... now I want a rectangle one too.  Robby my sweet husband patiently made this for me.. it has over 400 nails in it so it took patience.  Here are pictures of him working...and the beginning of my first shawl.  I am using my own hand-spun yarn.. I plan to add fringe when I finish... I believe from what I have woven so far this will take me about 16+ hours to weave I think it will be well worth the time...I am just beside myself with excitement!! Thanks for looking! ~  Hugs, Jeannie

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Felted Purse

Handmade Design by
Jeannie Phillips ~ Southside, AL

I am so excited about this purse... I met a lady at Taming of the Ewe Saturday ... she did the most beautiful felted purses.... I feel in love with her purses...and she was so helpful...I wish that I knew her name to give her credit!... so I came home and used some wool yarn I had on hand and made me one.. Now I am going to have to get me a larger loom...yet another loom!... I love my looms!! Thanks for looking!  Hugs~Jeannie

This is a picture of it before I felted it in the washing is about 2/3 the original size.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Hand Spun Yarn

Hand Spun Yarn by
Jeannie Phillips ~ Southside, AL
I have been working on this for a couple of weeks... I had some bad days so I didn't work on it much for a while there... but today I got to finish spinning it and then I got to two-ply it!!... so excited out how it turned out.. I started with 8oz of  dyed Mariano wool... and ended up with 364 yards of 2plied sport/fingering weight yarn... I hope to use this on my first Tri Loom project next week.. I need 200 yards of another color to go with it... so excited!!... and Robby is going to build me a tri-loom this next week!... what other color do you think I should add to it??  Thank you for looking~  Hugs, Jeannie